Car Broker NY

Car Broker NY is a auto leasing agency that can help you find the best vehicles for the best prices possible. We aren’t like a normal dealership that has a limited number of cars to look at. Instead, we operate primarily off the internet and over the phone. You let us know what type of vehicle you are looking for, and we’ll track it down for you. We work with all the other dealerships in the region to find the exact make, model, and trim package you need. Once we’ve found it, we’ll make sure we can get it for the right price so you can have the car of your dreams. Read on to learn more about what we can do for you, or give us a call at 646-693-5255 to speak with one of our auto leasing specialists. If you have a junk car, or an old car, truck, or SUV that's doing nothing more than taking up space on your property it's time to sell and get cash for cars. Call us. We offer a FREE pickup in New York and New Jersey.

Let Us Negotiate for the Best Deals

Once we find the vehicle you want at one of the area dealerships, we’ll go to them and let them know that we have someone who is interested in leasing it. In most cases, we’ll have found multiple dealerships with similar cars, so we can get them to ‘bid’ against each other to try to get your business. This, combined with the fact that these dealerships know that we have brought them this customer and will do all the work for them, lets them give us the lowest possible prices on all their vehicles. Of course, these savings will be passed on to you so you can get a great car that will fit in your budget.

Lease Specials

$292 /m
$274 /m
$391 /m
$521 /m
$433 /m
$347 /m
View all

Call Us Now! To Get Your Special Offer!


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Have Questions?
call us: 646-693-5255

We can Help You Get Great Financing Deals

In addition to getting you the exact vehicle you want at a great price, we’ll also secure you a great financing loan to ensure your payment is as low as possible. Our auto lease financing team knows how to get people approved for a loan with low interest rates no matter their credit score. We’ve been able to get people extremely low interest rates for all types of vehicles throughout New York.

Access to Any Make or Model

As mentioned above, we don’t operate on a normal car lot that has a limited amount of inventory. Instead, we work on your behalf to find any make or model you could want. This means you just work with us and you will have access to all foreign and domestic vehicles on the market today. You won’t find an easier way to get your dream car anywhere. You can pick from cars, trucks, SUVs, minivans, and any other type of vehicle that you may be interested in.

Contact Us Today

If you have any questions about our leasing services, please don’t hesitate to contact Car Broker NY. We are here to help answer your questions, find the vehicle you want, get your loan approved, and much more. This really is a great concierge auto leasing company that is here to serve everyone in the New York area. To get in touch with us, please dial 646-693-5255 today.